Al Muneera – Al Raha Beach Abu Dhabi
We partner with clients to provide tailored solutions that drive operational efficiency

Al Muneera – Al Raha Beach Abu Dhabi
Commissioning Management
Al Muneera located near Abu Dhabi Airport covers 11km of prime real estate. This residential development comprises of 16 no. mid-rise 14-storey apartment blocks, surrounded by landscaped terrace gardens, together with 148 townhouse and villa units facing the canal and waterfront. A 14-storey office tower links the mainland site to the island site via a pedestrian retail bridge which arrives at the Al Raha Beach front, lined with cafés, restaurants and retail outlets. This project was also subject to LEED facilitation.
Core PMC were appointed directly by the MEP Contractor (Drake and Skull) to manage the commissioning process, specifically HVAC / ELV to achieve final system / global handover in line with ALDAR’s expectations. Whilst not technically demanding, the volume of work / management of same was significant; despite this, the project achieved a successful first visit by ADCD and handed over on time.