Core Group

Khazna POD 3 Fit Out DXB & Abu Dhabi

We partner with clients to provide tailored solutions that drive operational efficiency


Data Centre


Khazna POD 3 Fit Out DXB & Abu Dhabi


Commissioning Management | Client Training

Appointed by LOR as their third-party Commissioning Management. Responsible for Managing the Commissioning processes and procedures preparing the Commissioning plan. Review GC/Vendor commissioning RAMS. Provide input into the Cx Schedule and manage the Commissioning L2-L5 and associated approval process.

Review of Design and commissioning documents. Conducting witnessing on site. Developing and implementing the level 4 and IST Scripts managing the level 4 and IST testing processes. Attend GC commissioning meetings and the client team Cx progress meetings. Provide final reports for Heat load testing, IST and Cx Final, report together with client training.

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