Our Policies
At Core , we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, quality, and compliance. Our policies are designed to ensure transparency, accountability, and ethical practices in all aspects of our work. We adhere to international standards and industry regulations, ensuring that every project we undertake aligns with our commitment to safety, sustainability, and excellence.
Core (the ‘Organisation’) aims to provide defect free products to its customers on time and within budget.
The Organisation operates a Quality Management System that has gained BS EN ISO 9001:2015 certification, including aspects specific to technical management, consultancy and validation.
The management is committed to:
Develop and improve the Quality Management System
Continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System
The enhancement of customer satisfaction
The management has a continuing commitment to:
- Ensure that customer needs and expectations are determined and fulfilled with the aim of achieving customer satisfaction
- Communicate throughout the Organisation the importance of meeting customer needs and all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements
- Establish the Quality Policy and its objectives
- Ensure that the management reviews set and review the quality objectives, and reports on the internal audit results as a means of monitoring and measuring the processes and the effectiveness of the Quality Management System
- Ensure the availability of resources
- The structure of the Quality Management System is defined in this Quality Manual.
All personnel understand the requirements of this Quality Policy and abide with the contents of the Quality Manual.
The Organisation complies with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.
The Organisation constantly monitors its quality performance and implements improvements when appropriate.
This Quality Policy is regularly reviewed in order to ensure its continuing suitability.
Copies of the Quality Policy are made available to all members of staff. Copies of the minutes of management reviews, or extracts thereof, are provided to individual members of staff in accordance with their role and responsibilities as a means of communicating the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.
Core board of Directors recognise the need to manage its impact on the environment and hereby make the following commitment.
“In all our activities we will continuously work towards protecting all aspects of the environment both at a local and global level”
In order to strive towards this goal we will:
- Meet all necessary legal and regulatory requirements pertaining to our business and at each site under the management of the Core, complying with EN ISO 14001:2015.
- Seek to comply fully with the environmental policies and operational requirements of our clients.
- Promote the awareness of all existing legislation, company practices and procedures to all employees and to keep abreast of all new and pending environmental legislation.
- Act positively to reduce the consumption of energy, water and other natural resources at all premises under the Core management.
- Have a positive approach to all environmental issues relating to our employees, customers, suppliers, contractors and clients.
- Make use of, wherever practicable, best environmental practices when planning and developing new and existing operations.
- Put in place the necessary systems to educate, control and monitor the company’s environmental commitment and performance.
- Act positively to reduce the production of waste in accordance with the national waste strategy at all premises under the Core management.
As Directors of the Core in charge of our environmental policy, it is our responsibility to see that the above commitments are fulfilled through the co-operation of everyone within, and acting on behalf of, the company.
The Health and Safety of all our employees, contractors, and members of the public is of paramount importance to Core.
Senior Management have reviewed the Health, Safety, and Environmental aislation when considering their responsibilities and setting the Company’s Health and Safety Policy objectives.
Core will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees. It will manage its business in such a way, and so far as is reasonably practicable, that the safety and welfare of persons not employed by Core are not exposed to risks.
This policy document explains in broad terms what must be done by everyone within Core to achieve these objectives. The aim is to provide a sound basis for the cooperation between management and employees and is intended to encourage continuous improvement of our Health, Safety and Environmental performance.
Our objectives toward fulfilling this policy are to:
- Concentrate on the elimination of risks to persons, as a first priority, then on risk reduction, prevention of injury and loss due to damage.
- Identify health and safety hazards and manage those hazards so that risks are effectively controlled, in accordance with this Core policy.
- Work to safety standards which satisfy our statutory requirements and reflect good industry working practices.
- Review and develop these standards continuously and, when changes in legislation, industry practice or technology occur, revise them accordingly.
We are committed to consult with employees on health, safety and welfare issues by:
Ensuring that our employees are trained to understand and carry out their job responsibilities. This will involve, but will not be limited to, selection, training, re-training, supporting and continuous assessment of employee performance.
Continually monitoring this policy by auditing and reviewing its effectiveness in the workplace.
Core recognises the legal obligations placed on it by global Health & Safety at Work Acts and statutory UAE legislation, as may be applicable to our undertaking.
Our Health and Safety documentation and records are kept in the general office and will be made freely accessible to employees, contractors, members of the public and any other person(s) who may be affected by our operations.
A copy of the Employee Health and Safety Information Manual is also located in the General Office being easily accessible to all employees for their reference.
Employees will be made aware of this facility and are obliged to familiarise themselves with the contents of this Manual as it contains essential information for their health, safety and welfare. Should any employee have any questions on any health and safety related matter they must raise it with their immediate supervisor.